Dorothy Willson

Mastercard Partners with Gemini Credit Card

Mastercard has eagerly declared the launch of their all-new accomplice for the Gemini Credit Card. Eagerly announcing their excitement to…

A Step-By-Step Guide to Buying Stellar Lumens(XLM) with USD

Jed McCaleb, the co-founder of Ripple and founder of Mt.Gox, launched the Stellar network system in 2014. This decentralized open-source…

Your Go-To Guide for Crypto Casinos: Advantages and Flaws

With the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies in almost every sector, starting from technology to finance to insurance and medical, the…

Coinitix – The Ultimate Destination for Smarter Bitcoin Purchase

In this era of digitization, where the global economy moves towards a digital eco-system starting from investments to bank transfers,…

UCOT Increases the influence of Blockchain technology in multiple industries

UCOT, a digitized supply chain ecosystem, is exploring the market to find blockchain solutions for various industries. It also aims…

Ethereum (ETH) Reflects 13.30% Fall in a Day

Ethereum price falls due to heavy market pressure The tremendous drop resets the 30-days low counter at $198 ETH coin…

Bitfinex Files to Dismiss the Class Action Lawsuit of $1.4 Trillion

The cryptocurrency exchange, Bitfinex, owned and operated by iFinex Inc., headquartered in Hong Kong, requested the court to drop all…

Clouds of Uncertainty Hovering on the Future of Ohio Bitcoin Program

Ohio’s efforts to permit cryptocurrency in some specific tax payments appear to be uncertain soon after the leading lawyer of…

Can Blockchain Technology Make the Banks Disruptive?

This is a highly debatable question and has arguments both for and against the statement. According to the professor, David…

Cannabis Industry to Reap Massive Benefits from Blockchain

Leading blockchain-based platform æternity, recently announced the launch of a supply chain management platform using blockchain for cannabis trade. The…